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Global Treasures 43014

Colosseum of Rome

 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43014
 Title: Colosseum of Rome
 Languages: E De Cz CSub Ro
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2007

The Coliseum of Rome is the most monumental and impressive amphitheatre in the world. It is estimated that its construction began in the year 72 AD and it was here that the Roman’s desire for outrageous performance and violent entertainment were fully satisfied.

The massive interior of its oval grounds could seat 70,000. Surrounded by tranquillity as though within a city wall, the Coliseum is a dominant focal point among the Roman hills. A gorge-like labyrinth of walkways and subterranean chambers descends deep into the earth, formerly occupied by gladiators, slaves and caged animals ready for the slaughter.