Terra Mystica 37005

Taj Mahal

 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 37005
 Title: Taj Mahal
 Languages: E De Cz Bul Tur
  26 Mins
 Produced: 2010

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Grand Mogul, Shahdshahan, erected the marble sepulchre, the Taj Mahal, as a tribute to, and in grief for, his favourite wife, known as ‘the darling of the palace’.

This action led to an upturn in both the economy and culture of the country and appears to have been an act of reparation, bearing in mind that the Mogul was a direct descendant of the Mogul, Timur, known as Tamerlan the Great, who was infamous for his indescribable cruelty.

The magnificence of the sepulchre is still a reminder of the noble act performed by the Grand Mogul who thus through the centuries expiated a great injustice.

Thus, the Taj Mahal is a magnificent wonder of the world that was originally dedicated to love…a wonder of the world for which there is still no explanation!