Vista Point 35123


 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 35123
 Title: Amman
 Languages: E De Cz Pol Bul CSub
  26 Mins
 Produced: 2009

Amman is an historic metropolis in which ancient times and modern life meet face to face and where poverty and wealth live side by side. At first sight the city’s ancient roots are not obvious, however, they date back to Biblical times.

Abdoun is one of the city’s modern city districts. For many years the city’s former suburbs have been integrated into the megalopolis thus they now cover several additional hills. The slopes are crowded with modern, bright terraced houses and villas constructed of limestone and a modern infrastructure connects the residential districts with the old town at the foot of the hills.

The King Abdullah Mosque is the largest and, due to its striking blue cupola, the most beautiful mosque in Amman. Although only completed in 1988 it is an important symbol of Islam.

In 1900 the Ottoman Sultan ordered the construction of the Hedjaz Railroad that was designed to unite the Ottoman Empire that had begun to disintegrate as well as to transport Moslem pilgrims to Medina in the Hedjaz Mountains.

The monarchs who ruled over this land have been many and both earthquakes and fire have devastated its buildings. But Amman has managed to survive and now continues to be a prosperous and vibrant metropolis.