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Global Treasures 43345


 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43345
 Title: Chongoni
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2014

Chongoni Mountain and its hilly surroundings dominate Malawi’s sprawling Central Plateau, a region with typical Miombo dry forest that is home to the densest collection of rock paintings in Central Africa at no less than a hundred and twenty seven locations.

In 2006 these treasures of mankind were designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, treasures that were previously only known to the local Chewa people.

Red and white paintings cover the rocks. The red paintings were created by the Batwa Pygmies who once lived in the region. In contrast, the white paintings were created by the Chewa who settled there permanently.

The ascent to the upper rock faces is exhausting but the view is well worth the effort, a vast landscape, as first seen by the hunters and gatherers of ancient times.

The archaeological sites of Chongoni are rightly considered to be the greatest collection of rock art in Central Africa.