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Global Treasures 43397


 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43397
 Title: Bardejov
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2017

Bardejov is located in the north east corner of today's Slovakia, close to the Polish border.

This old town of cloth merchants was fortified during several construction phases that date back to 1352. Its mediaeval centre was designated as a World Cultural Heritage in the year 2000.

Three Gothic buildings became the Town Hall, and several arcades adorn Gründl House. The large market place is popular for all manner of social events, from a weekly market to parades and numerous gatherings, church processions and festivals.

The Old Town Hall in the middle of the square dates back to 1505 and is a gem of Late Renaissance design. It contains a richly ornamented bay window with a Hungarian coat of arms as well as Bardejov’s own coat of arms.

In 1907 the historic Town Hall became a museum featuring numerous historical exhibits of the town, as well as its arts and crafts. Religious art, wooden altars, sculptures and panel paintings bring to life its mediaeval times.

Bardejov is a sparkling gem of history, from its blossoming in the Middle Ages, to war, fire, plague and the Reformation. The old town has managed to survive it all and now shines out as a much-loved treasure of bygone days.