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Global Treasures 43448


 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43448
 Title: Kurashaki
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2018

Kurashiki is situated in the west of Japan’s main island of Honshu.

On a hill above the city is the Achi Shrine which dates back to the days of legendary ruler, Ojin, and has existed for more than seventeen hundred years. It is likely that this was the first palace of an Achi leader, which, following his death, was turned into a commemorative shrine.

At the foot of the Tsurugata Yama is the famous merchant town of the mediaeval Edo Era which has well-survived the ravages of time. The architectural heritage of the past has been generously preserved and today attracts many visitors. Its small buildings have been perfectly restored and indicate the region’s former prosperity.

During the feudal period of ancient Japan, Kurashiki was an important trading centre and seat of wealthy merchants. The atmospheric flair of the old town brings the past very much alive. Both sides of the canal are bordered by two hundred year old Kura, which has today been transformed into a number of galleries, restaurants and shops, a practical way in which to preserve the buildings and their facades., some of which have also become museums.

Kurashiki is not only located in the cultural heart of Japan, it demonstrates Japan’s ancient culture in today's New Age.