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Global Treasures 43031

Palacio Real - Madrid

 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43031
 Title: Palacio Real - Madrid
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2007

The charming older part of Madrid is dominated by numerous monumental and magnificent buildings including, most notably, the wonderful Palacio Real. A harmonious and elegantly designed facade opens onto the Plaza De Oriente. This was formerly the location of numerous buildings: originally, the Moors built an Alcazar here; in the course of time, it was transformed into the main palace of the Hapsburg royal family that once reigned over the country.

The magnificent halls of the palace are breathtaking. The hall in the Comedor De Gala contains the most beautiful, grandiose chandeliers and precious paintings by the Bohemian, Anton Raphael Mengs and ceiling frescos by Gianbattista Tiepolo decorate several of the rooms.

Even though the royal family no longer resides in the palace, it is still a much-prized historic jewel in the Spanish crown.