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Global Treasures 43041


 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43041
 Title: Eze
 Languages: E De Cz
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2007

Amidst the marvellous coastal landscape of the French Cote D’Azur lies the picturesque medieval village of Eze.

The main part of the village that can still be seen today was created in the 10th century, during the Middle Ages. Tranquillity seems almost to overflow from quaint windows on to the streets of this charming village in which its narrow alleyways and stone buildings mix with the lush green of the trees.

Eze radiates summer freshness and in a magical kind of way, light and shadow unite to form a magnificent picture of pure beauty.

Breathtaking, panoramic views down to the Mediterranean are an additional treat and, located around the village’s castle, the Cactus Garden is yet another attraction.

For real old world charm, this is the place to be!