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Global Treasures 43060

Putuo Zongshen Miao

 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43060
 Title: Putuo Zongshen Miao
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2007

The magnificent temple of Putuo Zongsheng Miao lies in front of the beautiful mountains and hills that surround Chengde, a town located about 250 km. north east of Beijing. The temple belongs to the so-called 8 Outer Temples of China’s former Summer Palace.

The so-called Red Terrace is the main building of the Putuo Temple. It is an impressive and majestic building that is located on top of a 17m high terrace.

Putuo Zongsheng Miao consists of around forty halls and buildings, many of which served as the setting for great ceremonies and official functions. Only on rare occasions were foreign guests, such as the English Legation in the year 1793, allowed to visit the Summer Palace and its 8 Outer Temples.

Of course, today, foreign visitors are very welcome and Chengde is one of China’s most popular tourist attractions.