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Global Treasures 43197

Humayun’s Tomb

 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43197
 Title: Humayun’s Tomb
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2010

On the south eastern periphery of today’s metropolis of New Delhi is the large and magnificent tomb of the famous Indian emperor, Humayun. The mausoleum is regarded among art historians as being one of the finest examples of Indian architecture that dates back to the early moghuls of the 16th century. The centre of the tomb complex is surrounded by a tranquil park that is in stark contrast to the normal hustle and bustle of New Delhi.

The final resting place of Emperor Humayun is regarded as the model for the almost one hundred year younger Taj Mahal in Agra that was built by Shah Jahan. The acclaimed mausoleum was not the creation of the emperor but of his wife, Haji Begum, who had made construction of the monument possible.

The gardens around the tomb have managed to retain their age-old elegance and splendour.