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Global Treasures 43203


 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43203
 Title: Bagan
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2008

Bagan, located on the banks of the Ayeyarwady River in today’s Myanmar, is a beautiful temple area although little remains of its early history.

Close to Bagan’s city walls is the majestic Ananda Pahto Temple that is dedicated to four Buddhas and was built at the end of the 11th century during the reign of King Kyanzittha.

Situated on the river bank is what is believed to be Bagan’s oldest pagoda, Bupaya. Its architecture indicates that it dates back to the time of the Pyu. According to legend both the construction of the unusual Manuha Paya and its name date back to a captured Mon King who, it is believed, gifted the building to the city.

The Shweguyi Temple, the ‘Great Golden Cave’, indicates the transition of the once prolific Mon style to the Burmese architecture that followed.

In recent times these temples have attracted an increasing number of worshippers and there is no doubt that today they are among the world’s most prized cultural treasures.