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Global Treasures 43314


 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43314
 Title: Regensburg
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2013

Regensburg is Germany’s mediaeval wonder and capital of the Bavarian Oberpfalz which is often described as Italy’s most northerly city. Much prized in Europe and designated by UNESCO as a unique cultural and historical monument and also the hometown of Pope Benedict XVI.

The mighty dome of Sanct Peter marks the centre of the Old Town and the impressive Episcopal Church stands on the site of a Roman building. An equestrian statue of King Louis The First guards the building which was modelled after various French Gothic cathedrals in around 1250 A.D.

The Ancient Town Hall is one of the oldest in southern Germany and was built in the thirteenth century. The city’s wealthy citizens featured grand ballrooms on the first floor of their residences therefore the Town Hall could have nothing less grand and so the Imperial Hall was built.

In the 19th Century Regensburg could be described as having been a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ because this city on the Danube lacked industry and therefore the new wealth. The fact is though that both history and the Old Town have made Regensburg a World Heritage Site.