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Global Treasures 43329


 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43329
 Title: Boyana
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2012

In a suburb of Sofia, capital of Bulgaria, and located on the slopes of the Vitoscha Mountains, is the country’s most worshipped-in historic building, Boyana Church. It actually comprises three churches that over the centuries have grown into a single entity.

The first building covers an area of six square metres and after two centuries, a further two storey high church was added. The adjoining third church followed in the nineteenth century and is a unique combination of various architectural epochs.

The view of the western wall and circular ceiling of the Narthex, is quite breathtaking as they are completely covered with art.

Restoration work has taken place for several years and since 2002 Boyana Church has been open to the public.