Modern Times Wonders 32022

Panama Canal

 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 32022
 Title: Panama Canal
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2013

Panama City is the capital of the southern state of Central America’s land bridge. This vibrant, modern city is located in a tropical country at which Panama’s isthmus is only eighty miles wide. The country's name is famous because it contains the most important waterway in the world and the development of both urban and rural areas is due to the presence of the gigantic Panama Canal.

This massive and amazingly expensive project of building technology is best understood by travelling along it, a journey that takes around nine hours and changes direction twice a day.

Soon we will see the monumental steel bridge of Puenta De Las Américas, the only land connection between North and South America, since the channel cuts through both continents. After travelling twelve kilometres inland the ships must negotiate the first double lock, which takes around forty five minutes.

After forty kilometres, the third lock system follows, the Gatún Locks, where the ships are lowered twenty six metres. This impressive process takes an hour in three successive lock chambers, each of which is about three hundred metres long.

The dream of a water connection between the Atlantic and the Pacific came true within a period of ten years. A remarkable feat of engineering and water power!