Nature Parks 34019


 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 34019
 Title: Donautauen
 Languages: E De
  45 Mins
 Produced: 2010

In the Donau-Auen National Park the four seasons of the year can be experienced from within a dynamic landscape that is subject to constant change. After spring follows summer in the most important flood plain reserve in Central Europe. Autumn is also an impressive time in this area of the Danube that is located in the border region that lies between Austria and the Slovak Republic. In winter, all is tranquil, Mother Nature takes a break and then the circle of life begins all over again.

Flood plains are fine areas for swans that build their nests in the reeds. In winter they are easy to spot but in spring they become almost invisible. In an eerie of the white tailed eagle, the first movements are visible, but in this conservation area, they are safe.

Blossoms of wild garlic transform the forest bed into a shining white carpet. Later, their densely-growing leaves will cover everything. The first green of the trees transforms the landscape and the flood plains show off an abundance of natural splendour.

A visitor to the flood plains of the Danube is the Black Kite, a typical bird of prey and a bird that lives here during the spring and summer months. As for most wildlife, spring and summer are the best time for breeding due to the mild climate, abundant food supply and protective vegetation. A pair of grey Sea Eagles circle above their eerie a sign that their young have hatched.

In winter, wet snow and especially the hoarfrost that seems to grow onto the bare tree branches during foggy, freezing-cold nights, turn the forest into a world of sparkling crystals.

Life in the flood plains of the Danube is well and truly determined by the four seasons. Its plant and animal kingdoms have each settled here in peace and harmony. A natural paradise and natural survival at its most impressive!