Nature Wonders 33028

Lagunas De Montebello

 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 33028
 Title: Lagunas De Montebello
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2007

Along the border between Mexico and Guatemala in the southern state of Chiapas is a hidden and precious treasure, the Lagunas De Montebello where both in and out of the clear, glittering water of its various lakes is a unique and truly fascinating world.

Compared to the northern part of the country, the dense rain forests of Chiapas have remained free from human interference thus today its scenery and plant life have remained as they were many thousands of years ago.

Close to the park archaeologists discovered the ancient remains of the old Mayan town of Chinkultic but over the years the encroaching jungle has covered the traces of this former culture and almost erased it forever.

The water of the Bosque Azul is as mysterious as the nearby caves in which the daylight illuminates the darkness through narrow fissures. It is not known if these caves existed in Mayan times or if they had already been discovered by Prehistoric Man.

However, there is no doubt about the very real beauty of the Lagunas De Montebello National Park and its fifty-two beautiful lakes.