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Nature Wonders 33040


 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 33040
 Title: Amboseli
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2007

A four hour drive from Nairobi leads to Kenya’s most popular national park, Amboseli. The name of this three hundred and ninety two square kilometre nature reserve is derived from an old dried up lake formerly, Lake Amboseli.

The Amboseli National Park contains a large variety of Africa’s wildlife which is due to the many habitats offered by the region’s terrain. The vegetation is also as diverse as the landscape that mainly comprises shrubs and savannah-like natural cover with the occasional acacia tree.

Up to a thousand elephants have been counted within the boundaries of this wildlife reserve. They are very tender and caring creatures despite the fact that the adult bull can only enter the herd of the female-led herd during the breeding season.

Thanks to exceptional reservations such as the Amboseli National Park the majestic African elephant is still able to flourish and enjoy its freedom in a completely natural environment.