On Tour 41057

Mato Grosso Tour

 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 41057
 Title: Mato Grosso Tour
 Languages: E De Tur
  26 Mins
 Produced: 2012

Mato Grosso is the third largest federal state in Brasilia. It is a combination of unique swampland with remarkable fauna and flora and extensive high plains.

We begin our journey across Mato Grosso in Cuibaba, its capital, the first impression of which is of a modern city. The old town has retained the character of old with narrow lanes, and small, colourful buildings. The former gold prospector’s town that was established around the spring of Corrego Da Prainha Creek, has been transformed into a lively city.

The Chapada Dos Guimarães National Park was founded in 1989 and features steep-sloped table mountains. It is Brazil's Wild West whose earthiness and mystical scenery curls around the geodetic centre of South America. The park is a universe of waterfalls, caves, mountain peaks and magnificent views plus rock, fashioned by the elements. In recent years, more than fifty archaeological sites have been discovered, with rock paintings and prehistoric fossils.

The Pantanal is located within the watery lowlands and is the South American continent’s largest wildlife paradise covering an area half the size of Germany.

Even today, Mato Grosso remains unspoiled yet this former Indian tribal land has become inhabited and reclaimed. It is still a veritable natural paradise on Earth!